
Me Emmanuel Cardinal

Me Emmanuel Cardinal

Me Cardinal graduated from University of Sherbrooke. He was admitted to the Quebec Bar in 2011. Me Cardinal also graduated of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales of Montreal in international trade and holds a certificate in psychology and criminology at the University of Montreal.

Having himself a keen business sense by his entrepreneurial experience, he knows how to advise clients in balancing the financial and legal aspects.

Me Cardinal is also involved in the creation of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Cameroon as legal advisor and member of the Board of Directors.

Me Cardinal is nearing graduation as a lawyer mediator.

Me Cardinal exerts vast majority of time on construction law, real estate law, business and insurance law.

Me Daniel Cosneanu

Me Daniel Cosneanu

Mtre Cosneanu graduated from Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Law.  He was called to the Bar in 2017 and he has joined our team in 2018. His abilities to analyze and synthesize data, coupled with his research skills, makes him a valuable asset to our team.

During his studies, Mtre Cosneanu completed an internship with a Superior Court judge, which allowed him to develop a special knowledge of the justice system. He is also underway for completion a Specialized Graduate Diploma, business law and practices profile.

His practice covers civil and commercial litigation, notably in the areas of securities, insurance and construction. He also carries out business transaction mandates and contract drafting.